Know the PVC handles, made especially for your needs.

About wethe company PVC Zipper

Founded in May 2001, PVC Zíper is a Brazilian 100% company, specialized in the manufacture of flexible PVC fasteners and zippers for Electronic Soldering, Polypropylene Pill Holders, smooth or crimped PVC handles and tubular handles. We also manufacture special products such as custom-made rigid tubes and Biomedia for water treatment.

Ours Products

PVC zippers

For folders, cases and more! We manufacture three types of zippers: Slider Zipper, Lying Zipper and KliK Zipper. All of them in PVC and in the desired color.

pill holder

Store and organize. Our pill holders were made to make everyday life easier and were created in two models: weekly and daily.

PVC handles

Perfect for purses and bags! Choose from our three models: smooth, crimped and tubular.


For water treatment, by aeration. Biomedia treatment systems are more stable, robust and efficient.

Custom Tubes

PVC pipes for various functions. Custom made according to your needs.

Clients satisfaction
Company years
High Score
Cups of Coffee

exclusive production in Brazil

PVC ZÍPER owns the patent for the PVC zipper and retains the exclusive production right in Brazil. We are the most qualified, fastest and most cost-effective alternative without the need for imports.

Partnerships exclusive

Our products are produced on a large scale for companies of all sizes. With a differentiated quality control, always valuing the best raw materials. Our partnerships are organic and unique.

Meet our Blog

The use of PVC in items you probably didn't know about.

That PVC Zíper produces several products, you already knew. But PVC, being versatile, is used in...

PVC and the environment

Have you ever stopped to think about how PVC can help the environment? In this article, we'll show you how...

What is the importance and origin of PVC

Although we are constantly using various objects and materials in our daily lives, we hardly stop to think which...
